Teaching the World to Play!
FingerTips With a Touch of Theory, Book 5
Elizabeth D. Cobb | Jane S. Lewis | Judith R. Strickland / edited by Victoria McArthurBook 5 includes dominant 7th chords, mixed cadences, warm-ups for cadences, two-octave arpeggios, interval inversions, some fun with scales, and arpeggio fingering. In addition, most major and minor keys are also covered.
Series: Fingertips With A Touch Of Theory | Level: Intermediate |
Arranger: | Voicing: Solo |
Instrument: Piano | Format: Books |
Editor: Victoria McArthur | Subject: Theory, Technique, and Assignment Books |
ISBN-13: 978-1-56939-245-4 | Barcode: 674398209224 |
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