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Beatrice A. Miller

Beatrice A. Miller

(1923 - 2015)

Beatrice A. Miller of Corvallis, Oregon, spent her growing up years in the Midwest where she attended Northwestern University. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in theory and composition. Upon her marriage to Don A. Miller, she moved to the state of Oregon.

In addition to teaching and being a church organist/choir director, she has written music for piano, voice, choirs, and organ. Much of it has been published. She has had the distinct honor of having been Oregon’s Composer of the Year in 1997, and was commissioned to write a piano concerto for the intermediate level student. It is now published.

Explore Piano Publications by Beatrice A. Miller

O Holy NightIntermediateThe FJH Piano Ensemble SeriesQuartet (Eight Hands/Two Pianos)E1004
Interval SuiteLate ElementarySpotlight Solo SheetsSoloS4054