String Orchestra Book 2 MP3s

Select Opus to play audio tracks:
Tuning Notes
Prelude 1 Moving Around
Prelude 2 Up and Down
Prelude 3 Climbing Mount Everest
Prelude 4 Floating
Prelude 5 Smooth Slider
1.1 Loosey-Goosey
1.2 The Dancing Tetrachord
1.3 Tuning Tune
1.4 In Tune Nation
1.5 Oranges and Lemons
1.6 Early to Bed
1.7 Detache Sashay
1.8 D Major Romp
1.9 Groovin in G
1.10 Cripple Creek
1.11 Bow Ties and Slurs
1.12 Sur le pont d'Avignon
1.13 Capriccio Italien
1.14 Theme from Symphony No. 1
1.15 Caritas Abundat
1.16 Hopping Up and Gliding Down
1.17 Key of C See
1.18 IFACA's Castle
1.19 This Old Man
1.20 Chorale
1.21 Long Long Ago
1.22 Bow Beat
1.23 16th Street
1.24 Bow-Dacious
1.25 Maybe Next Time
1.26 Froggy Went A-Courtin
1.27 Bow Beat
1.28 Sixteen Fiddles
1.29 Tell William About His Overture
1.30 The Matador
1.31 Perpetual Motion
1.32 Bow Beat
1.33 Here We Bow Again
1.34 Stodola Pumpa
1.35 Someone's in the Kitchen
1.36 Jim Along Josie
Opus 1 Interpretation Station
Opus 1 Simon Sez
1.37 Barn Dance
1.38 Phil-Harmonics
1.39 Moto Perpetuo
1.39 Moto Perpetuo (Piano Accompaniment)
2.1 Light Rail
2.2 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
2.3 Minuet
2.4 Good Night Ladies
2.5 Speed Zone
2.6 Bow Beat
2.7 Backward Dot Polka
2.8 Dots a Lot
2.9 Alouette
2.10 Tur-bow
2.11 Rhythm Mashup
2.12 Full String Ahead
2.13 Over Smooth Seas
2.14 Leap Frog
2.15 Tip Toe
2.16 Middle Ground
2.17 Largo from Symphony No. 9
2.18 Auld Lang Syne
2.19 Sea Chantey
2.20 Three In One
2.21 Morning Mood
2.22 I'm Flat-tered
2.23 Sneaky Stars
2.24 Prelude for a Prince
2.25 Prince of Denmarks March
2.26 Saint Anthony's Chorale
2.27 Approach from Above
2.28 Lamb Above Lamb Below
2.29 Golden Slippers
2.30 New Frontiers
2.31 F Major Scale
2.32 Who Can Sail Without the Wind
2.33 Coming to America
2.34 America
2.35 To Be or Not to B-Flat
2.36 Intentional Accidental Polka
2.37 Bow Beat
2.38 Eighth Times a Charm
2.39 The Rakes of Mallow
2.40 Bow Beat
2.41 Off Topic
2.42 B-I-N-G-O
Opus 2 Interpretation Station
Opus 2 Simon Sez
2.43 Coventry Carol
2.44 Cuckoo Gone Cuckoo
2.45 Still Waters
2.45 Still Waters (Piano Accompaniment)
3.1 Finger Stretcher
3.2 Sharp Sea Sharks
3.3 Au Claire de la Lune
3.4 Eighth Note Galop
3.5 Go Tell Aunt Rhody
3.6 Good King Wenceslas
3.7 Finger Twins
3.8 Backyard Boogie
3.9 Parallel Themes
3.10 2nd Verse Same as the 1st
3.11 A Major Scale
3.12 Arirang
3.13 Aura Lee
3.14 Obwisana
3.15 Bells for Bellini
3.16 Summer's End
3.17 Autumn
3.18 All Through the Night
3.19 Dots and Hooks
3.20 Anvil Chorus
3.21 Little Swallow
3.22 Prelude to Te Deum
3.23 Bow Beat
2.24 Line Up Dance
3.25 O Tannenbaum
3.26 Un-Finishing Touches
3.27 Theme from Symphony No. 8
3.28 Positioned to Succeed
3.29 Aiken Drum
3.30 Kangding Love Song
3.31 Donna's Song
3.32 Mobile Melody
3.33 La donna e mobile
3.34 Bridal Chorus
3.35 Bow Beat
3.36 In Sync-opation
3.37 Bow Beat
3.38 Hook Line and Syncopation
3.39 Lil' Liza Jane
3.40 On a Roll
3.41 Caisson Song
Opus 3 Interpretation Station
Opus 3 Simon Sez
3.42 Mixing Bowl March
3.43 ARRR-Monic
3.44 Entry of the Warriors
3.44 Entry of the Warriors (Piano Accompaniment)
4.1 Bow Beat
4.2 D in Three
4.3 Three-Eighths French
4.4 We Three Kings
4.5 Bow Beat
4.6 Ode to 6-8
4.7 Getting the Hook of It
4.8 Looby Loo
4.9 Pop Goes the Weasel
4.10 Italian Prelude
4.11 Tarantella
4.12 Theme from Moldau
4.13 Bow Beat
4.14 Triple Header
4.15 Night on Bald Mountain
4.16 Sailing with Columbus
4.17 Finale from Symphony No. 9
4.18 A Pentatonic Theme
4.19 Wacky Rhody
4.20 Be Flat
4.21 B-flat Major Scale
4.22 London Bridge
4.23 Sakura Sakura
4.24 O, Canada
4.25 In the Bleak Midwinter
4.26 Lullaby
4.27 Skipping Along
4.28 Waltz of the Flat Bees
4.29 Hungarian Dance No. 5
4.30 By the Waters of Babylon
4.31 Promenade
4.32 The Five Days of String Class
4.33 Sound-A-Likes
4.34 A Minor Melody
4.35 Bow Beat
4.36 Cut it Out
4.37 March of the Scissors
4.38 Bow Beat
4.39 Cut Along the Dots
4.40 Bow Beat
4.41 Home with Lou
4.42 Skip to My Lou
4.43 March of the Metal Men
4.44 Parade of the Wooden Soldiers
Opus 4 Interpretation Station
Opus 4 Simon Sez
4.45 Blow the Man Down
4.46 Creepy Crawly
4.47 Dance of the Gremlins
4.47 Dance of the Gremlins (Piano Accompaniment)
5.1 The Rain Went Away
5.2 Lullaby-ish
5.3 E-I-E-I-O Sings Mary
5.4 Feeling Shifty
5.5 Shiftin' Home