Teaching the World to Play!
The FJH Pianist's Curriculum
Pictures and Beyond, Book 1
Dianne Goolkasian RahbeeThis collection gives students a taste of the avante-garde musical language of our time. Of the 25 pieces, most are two pages while some are 8-10 measures long. Spotlighting a variety of musical elements encourages students to explore their imagination. Modern techniques such as "silently press L.H. notes and keep them down the entire piece" from Whispering Harmonics, or "tap the rim of the fallboard" in Pecking and Tapping, "choose your own tempo" are some of the adventurous suggestions featured in this 32 page book.
Series: The FJH Contemporary Keyboard Editions | Level: Elementary |
Arranger: | Voicing: Solo |
Instrument: Piano | Format: Books |
Editor: | Subject: Literature and Repertoire |
ISBN-13: 978-1-61928-034-2 | Barcode: 674398231021 |
Theme: | Style: Contemporary |
Climbing Stairs Can Be Fun
Hoping Around
Whispering Harmonies
ABCDEFG (This is what it means to me!)
Dancing Perfect Fifths
Mountain Echo
Scale Chase
Silence is Golden
Popcorn Duet
In an Echo Chamber
Brain Teaser Ties
Clapping, Counting, and Shouting - Duet Game
Tick Tock Tick Tock the Cou Cou Clock
Snowflakes Gently Falling
A Is for _____ (You name it!)
Tricky Friends
Folk Dance
Sleigh Bells
Skiing Up and Down the Mountain Slopes of the Keyboard
A Short Story
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