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Jeanne Costello

Jeanne Costello

Jeanne Costello began playing the piano at the age of seven and received musical training in Music Education at the Hartt School of Music at the University of Hartford. She has been an active composer and piano instructor for over15 years, maintaining a large piano studio and performing her compositions in Knoxville, Tennessee, where she currently resides. Jeanne hopes to inspire students to achieve a love of music and the piano by composing pieces that are creative, motivational, educational and most of all pure fun! She encourages her students to compose and they have won awards in composition with the National Federation of Music Clubs for the State of Tennessee.

Jeanne is a member of the Knoxville Music Teachers Association where she was named Composer of the Year for two consecutive years in 2009 and 2010. She is President of the Knoxville Music Club, a member of the National Federation of Music Clubs and State Festival Chairperson for the Tennessee Federation of Music Clubs. Her compositions have been accepted for the National Federation of Music Clubs for the Festivals Bulletin for 2011-2013.

Explore Piano Publications by Jeanne Costello

Moroccan BreezeEarly IntermediateThe FJH Piano Ensemble SeriesDuet (Four Hands/One Piano)E1078
Cricket and the Bullfrog, TheLate ElementaryThe FJH Piano Ensemble SeriesDuet (Four Hands/One Piano)E1079
At the Tour de FranceIntermediateThe FJH Piano Ensemble SeriesDuet (Four Hands/One Piano)E1094
Sea Otter SlideEarly IntermediateSpotlight Solo SheetsSoloS4172
Secret Agent BoogieEarly IntermediateSpotlight Solo SheetsSoloS4173
Tennessee TornadoEarly IntermediateFJH Performance SolosSoloP2000
Bullfrog and The Princess, TheLate ElementaryFJH Performance SolosSoloP2001
October MoonlightElementaryFJH Performance SolosSoloP2009
Arabian NightsEarly IntermediateFJH Performance SolosSoloP2010
Rainbow in the Sky, AElementaryFJH Performance SolosSoloP2011
Winter NocturneEarly IntermediateFJH Performance SolosSoloP2016
Spring's ReturnEarly IntermediateFJH Performance SolosSoloP2019
Let's Trick or Treat!ElementaryWritten For YouSoloW9431
Firefly DanceElementaryFJH Performance SolosSoloP2015
Meerkat CapersEarly ElementaryFJH Performance SolosSoloP2018
Pouncing KittensLate ElementaryWritten For YouSoloW9448
Nocturnes in MinorIntermediateComposers In FocusSoloFJH2307
King Arthur and Queen GuinevereEarly IntermediateWritten For YouSoloW9453
Zombie DanceEarly IntermediateWritten For YouSoloW9456
Hallows' Eve SkyIntermediateWritten For YouSoloW9457
Crab Walk, TheEarly IntermediateWritten For YouSoloW9460
World of Sights and Sounds, AEarly IntermediateComposers In FocusSoloFJH2320
Little Panda Po PoLate ElementaryWritten For YouSoloW9486
Falling Springs FallsEarly IntermediateWritten For YouSoloW9478
Witches' BrewElementaryWritten For YouSoloW9489
Where the Lilies BloomLate ElementaryMusic MarketplaceSoloMPP7003
Kangaroo HopLate IntermediateWritten for YouSoloW9498
Lucas StarLate IntermediateWritten for YouSoloW9493